Bladder, Bowel and Stoma Handbook

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Sanofi Products

Bisacodyl (Dulcolax)

Stimulant laxative. DULCOLAX 10 mg Suppositories. Dosage: Short-term treatment for constipation: Adults and children over 10 years: 1 to 2 coated tablets (5 - 10 mg) daily before bedtime, or 1 suppository (10 mg) daily for immediate effect. Children…

Docusate Sodium (Dulcoease)

Stimulant laxative. Dulcoease 100 mg Capsules. Dosage: Adults and children 12 years and above: Up to maximum of 500 mg should be taken daily in divided doses. Treatment should be commenced with large doses such as 100 mg three times daily, which shou…

Sodium Picosulphate (Dulcolax Pico)

Stimulant laxative. Dulcolax® Pico Liquid, 5 mg / 5 ml, oral solution. Dosage: For oral administration. The following dosages are recommended to be taken at night to produce evacuation the following morning. It is recommended to start with the lowest…